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The Havelock High Wind Ensemble is the top concert ensemble at Havelock High School. The band plays NC Level 5 and 6 grade music, hosts guest musicians and performers, and performs throughout the spring semester each year.
Students in this ensemble are taught advanced skills in music fundamentals including tone, rhythm, scales and ensemble balance. They are exposed to a large amount of wind ensemble literature throughout the semester. Students are required to submit playing assessments and daily theory assignments along with periodic quizzes using Canvas. The Wind Ensemble performs in at least three concerts throughout the semester. All of the wind ensemble students earn a proficient or advanced course credit by earning a high score on their theory exam and showing proficiency on their instrument, a requirement for being in the ensemble.
The Wind Ensemble has earned Superior ratings through the NCBA-Eastern District Music Performance Adjudication process for many years. Many students in the wind ensemble earn seats in the Eastern All-District Band, Eastern Region Orchestra, All State Honors Band, and All State Orchestra.

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