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The Havelock High Symphonic Band is one of the spring concert ensembles at Havelock High School. The band plays NC Level 4 music with a goal of performing a level 5 by the end of the semester. The symphonic band also provides an opportunity for students who are "doublers" learning second instruments to perform in an ensemble.

Students in this ensemble are taught with a focus on fundamentals including tone, rhythm, scales and ensemble balance. Students are expected to complete playing assessments and daily theory assignments along with periodic quizzes. The symphonic band performs in at least three concerts throughout the semester.
Over half of the symphonic band earn a proficient or advanced course credit by earning a high score on their theory exam and showing proficiency on their instrument.
The Symphonic Band has earned Superior ratings through the NCBA-Eastern District Music Performance Adjudication process for many years. Many students in this ensemble earn seats in the Eastern District All-District band.

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